- The Eagle is running out of battery
- The Oak is losing her ratio to what's already gone
- I'm planning to go to that conference on Disaster the New School holds at the beginning of November
- things are moving whalebodylike, slowly, substantially, lightly at the same time as if someone put them in an aquarium where no encounter ever makes any sound
- Derrida was afraid of Hegel's Dialectic. Fearing to be either-thesis-or-antithesis, he surrendered to concealing his urge for submitting something by some eloquent vagueness. To be in between, the beauty, the mere play - And that's in fact what the boys are always doing while Mommie's around -, he was not only not able to end his sentences, NO, he also didn't even make any effort of starting them in any way. His editors were enchanted enough to agree to his habit.
- Given that you leave the house every once in a while, you will encounter lots of hundreds of ways the desparation of people can take, how unimpressed the rest of the world remains by facing it, and how I will never meet any actors on a real beach
- it still can be said, it still has to be said and meanwhile, the good life is not merely possible but rather present-at-hand.